Astra Templates For Elementor


Whenever we talk about website building, one of the easily available tools that we can use is WordPress. WordPress is a free, open-source website creation platform. WordPress is a popular platform for creating websites. It has many features and is flexible, so it’s great for both newbies and veterans.

A WordPress website is any website that utilizes the WordPress ecosystems for managing its content. WordPress is the backbone of a website, powering the front-end as well as the backend.

WordPress websites come in many different forms. One of the most common WordPress websites is:

  • Blogs

These websites are based on the author’s interests and likes. These can showcase thoughts, photos, reviews, tutorials, and recipes. A blog structure is often designed so that the most recent content is displayed first.

  • E-Commerce website

These are websites that mainly focus on doing online business. These websites are often used to display products or services the owner wants to sell. These sites can also be used to collect payments for the goods and services.

  • Business website

At first glance, these might look and feel like E-Commerce websites. They are quite different in function. E-commerce websites may sell products, but business websites are designed to introduce users to companies and the services they offer. They can be thought of as a business profile, but not online.

  • Sites for members

Content creators (i.e., Youtubers, Online Artists, etc.) might want to add something extra for their most fervent supporters or followers. They may want to offer extra, exclusive content they are willing to pay a fee for.

This can be done by creating a WordPress membership website. A website can be created by content creators. Users will need to log in to access the site or pay for it. WordPress provides enough tools to manage all the necessary steps to create this website.

  • Portfolio Website

Many people find websites a great way to showcase their work to potential employers. This holds true for both digital and traditional artists. Having a website to present their work is akin to having their own museum.

  • Forum website

Forums websites are online communities wherein the range of conversation topics is limitless. Forums were the king of the Internet before social media. Today, forums for specialized topics are rare.

Nowadays, larger websites are the most popular sites for discussion. Reddit, Quora and other forums are the most popular. However, it does not mean that forum websites have stopped existing altogether. For niche topics, forums are still crucial discussion places.

WordPress allows content creators, bloggers, and even book authors to host their own Forums. These forums offer a more personal feel than the vast reach of most websites.

  • Websites for events

An event website is a simple website that advertises events. Through an event website, the audience can look at and check event details such as dates and times, seating, and even ticket prices. These websites can also be used to sell tickets.

  • E-Learning website

After the 2019 COVID Pandemic, online classes and electronic courses became a common term. Even then, E-learning websites have already existed during the BC (Before COVID) era.

Students can take an online course, track their progress, download research materials and more through e-learning websites. Though putting up an e-learning website through WordPress takes a little more work, it is still rewarding for those with the drive to share their knowledge with the world.

  • Invitational websites

Even invitations have gone online now. Thanks to the power of the internet, you can create websites for that personal event of yours. Be it a birthday, a Christening, or even a wedding; you can make a website that fits your need. WordPress has many resources that make it easy and fast to create a website.


Daniel has posted a video review on Design Break that will give you a more visual experience. You can still check out the article below to get an overview of Elementor II. It also compares it with some other products.

WordPress plugins: Enhancing WordPress to Be the Best Astra Templates For Elementor

Among the reasons for WordPress’ longevity and relevance is because of the support it gets from its community of users. WordPress plugins are a part of some of that support.

WordPress Plugins are a package of additional code that users can upload to their website to enhance its features, functionality, and integrations with other websites.

WordPress Plugins can take on multiple forms. You can use them to improve a website’s SEO, or for analytics. WordPress Plugins can also be used for payment modes and marketing integrations. There are even plugins that can help to build websites a cinch.

You can choose between premium and free plugins. The main difference between them could be in the quality of their function or the extent to which they are available. Of course, this does not mean that free plugins are always inferior. Heck, there are even some free plugins which function better than their premium counterparts.

These plugins often play nicely with the heart of WordPress, more or less. However, there will be times when getting a premium one is also worth it. The strongest argument for paying for a premium plugin is the support.

As stated above, WordPress plugins tend to be well-behaved with each other. However, there are times when these plugins malfunction and do not work as intended. Customer support is invaluable and cannot be replaced.

Your List of Must-Have WordPress Plugins

For most WordPress Websites, there are certain types of Plugins that must be prioritized compared to others. It is recommended that all WordPress websites have these WordPress plugins:

  • WordPress Backup Plugin

WordPress doesn’t have a backup function by its very nature. Having no backup is a potential headache waiting to happen, and a huge one at that. Backup plugins are a great solution to these potential headaches.

In the event of a hack or security breach, backups are important. As it allows you to easily replace data that was deleted or at least bring your website back to a previous save state before the attack happened.

  • WordPress Security Plugin

WordPress’s popularity andubiquity make it a popular target for hackers. Hackers use malicious programs to hack WordPress sites and gain access to all their data.

These are where WordPress Security plugins can help. They offer multiple solutions to prevent these attacks. Some limit login attempts to a website to stop brute force attacks. Others offer a more comprehensive and sophisticated way to ward off these attacks.

No matter what, looking for the best WordPress security plugin will come down to preference, security, and convenience.

  • WordPress SEO Plugin

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process of making your website more visible to many people. Proper SEO settings will make it easier for your website to be found in search engines like Google and Bing.

SEO is a business. With the number of websites that pop out day by day, the competition for Google’s front pages is brutal. If you want your website to gain traction, adding a great SEO plugin may help you with that.

SEO plugins can give you tips to improve your site content’s SEO, as well as automate the small and repetitive parts of content creation.

  • WordPress Form Plugin

WordPress Form Plugins allow you to add robust forms for your websites. These forms can come in the shape of contact forms, surveys, donation forms, and file uploaders.

Forms allow site visitors to enter their personal information. This information is then received and sent to the appropriate place (database or mailing list).

Forms can be used to collect sensitive information and should not be spammed. These forms should be able to fit the needs of the customer. Most e-commerce websites use forms.

It is important to choose a WordPress form plugin that is secure, yet easy to set up and customize.

  • WordPress E-commerce Plugin

For WordPress E-commerce, an ecommerce plugin is a must. E-commerce websites are built to sell products; however, your website will have no such ability if you do not have the appropriate plugin.

E-commerce plugins allow you to transform your website into an online store. It can provide you with a lot of tools and resources. Some e-commerce plugins even come with online payment capabilities integrated.

  • WordPress Design Plugin

In terms of website building, WordPress is a beast. It lets you do almost anything that is possible, granted you know how to code. HTML, CSS, and other coding languages can allow you to tweak your WordPress Page to the limit.

That said, not all have the knowledge to code. This may seem like a high barrier of entry for WordPress users. However, If WordPress had a high barrier of entry, it wouldn’t be as popular now.

WordPress regained and even grew its user base by removing this so-called barrier of entry. WordPress Site Design plugins such as page builders made website building easier and more efficient.

Many of these plugins remove the need to code in order to build websites. With their drag-and drop interface, anyone can create a WordPress website with minimal to no programming knowledge. Although coding knowledge is not required, there are many benefits to using WordPress.

These plugins also sped up the process of making websites, and thus, WordPress users (or at least sites that use WordPress as a platform) quickly grow in number day by day.

Now those are only a few types of plugins that we recommend adding to your website. Of course, there are many more types of plugins, but their use can be situational and optional.

WordPress currently has over 60,000 plugins, but you can choose from many more.


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Installing WordPress plugins

WordPress plugins are very easy to install. It does not involve much and can be done almost instantly.

After logging in to your WordPress website, you can find the Plugins menu on your WordPress Dashboard. Expand This Menu by clicking on it

You will find a page called Installed plugins. This is where you can find the currently installed plugins on this particular WordPress Site. Even if you haven’t added some plugins, or if this is your first time looking at this page, you might notice plugins already installed.

Because some plugins are included with WordPress Installations, this is possible.

Click on the “Add New” link to upload a plugin. This will let you search for plugins in the Plugin directory. There are also links you can click to look at featured, popular, and latest plugins available. YOu can even mark your favorites here.

After you’ve found your plugin of choice, click on the “Choose File” button. Next, locate the zip file of your plugin and click on “Install Now”.

Once the plugin has finished installing, click Activate to turn the plugin on.

Lastly, there is a menu item beneath Plugins in the WordPress Dashboard called the Editor. This editor is built into WordPress plugins and can be used to modify individual PHP files.

PHP is a language that you should know. You can make your customizations unaffected by changing any of these things. You don’t likely need to modify any plugin’s PHP code.

Elementor: Among the Best Page Builder Plugins WordPress can Offer

Elementor is a WordPress Site Design plugin that ranks among the top. To begin with, it is a drag-and-drop page builder which allows users to make their webpage in a fast and easy way. As such, even characters who are not tech savvy enough can carve themselves a place on the internet.

Elementor was released in mid-16, and it has been available in the WordPress Plugin Library since then. It might be a more recent addition to the WordPress ecosystem, but that is still a pretty significant period of time by the Internet’s standards.

Elementor doesn’t care about your age. At the time of its release, it quickly rose to one of the most popular visual page builders on the platform. Elementor did not let this success get on their head, and until this day, they continued to grow and develop new ways to keep Elementor relevant to the newest trends.

Elementor’s core functionality is still drag and drop builder. It does this function well. It works in an “what you see, is what you get” manner. This approach makes it easier to see how the website will look while you are still editing.

With Elementors features, you might not need to open any of WordPress’s standard editors at all. All that being said, code is still allowed. People who want to use their own HTML, CSS and PHP along with other current coding languages are welcome to do so.

Elementor is known for being a flexible plugin. It can be used anytime with whatever current WordPress theme you are using. You can even create your own themes using the theme builder.

And speaking of themes, it does work with other themes that are available in the WordPress library, and as such, there is little worry about themes bugging out. Elementor’s support team is available to assist you if they do not work as expected.

Elementor Features

While Elementor might bill itself as just a drag-and-drop page builder, the number of features that come with it makes that an understatement.

Elementor would not be a top-ranked website builder for WordPress if it could only do so much.

As such, here are some of Elemetor’s best features:

  • Content Elements Galore

Elementor creates a website using building blocks. These so-called blocks or elements can be arranged depending on the user’s whims to form a compelling website layout and design.

Now, to explain the block a little deeper, these blocks are the so-called elements that build the webpage design. Every element can contain a widget or a written content. Or any other thing that fits in the space.

Because of these elements, Elementor is called what it is today.

  • Responsive Design

All web pages created with Elementor’s page builders are responsive by default. This means that they not only look elegant and pretty when viewed through a personal computer and laptop,

The responsive design allows you to view the design from your smartphone and it will still look amazing, complete, and functional.

However, responsive design does not only mean directly translating your website and how it looks through a smartphone. Elementor also has the capability to allow users to fully customize how they look.

You can view the page through various platforms and gadgets by simply touching another button. From there, you can do further edits, such as deleting and adding certain elements to take the page to the look that you want.

  • Available Templates

Templates are a must-have for any page builder. Templates are the best inspiration for building any type of thing (webpages included).

For beginners, templates can be a good starting point for page developers. This is especially true if the templates are professionally designed. With templates, work and development on newer websites can come faster for the price of sites having a samey look.

All templates in Elementor are editable. You can also edit their styling options. Templates are a great way to ensure that your websites look consistent.

Elementor itself offers a lot of professionally made templates. Both novice and experienced users can use these templates. As stated above, beginners can use these templates as their starting point when making websites. As for veterans (i.e., page devs), they can use them to speed up their work.

  • Style Options

You would be remiss if you didn’t have any styling options if you wanted a cool and sleek website. Elementor makes these styling options available to everyone. This is possible without any coding knowledge.

  • Convenience

Elementor’s many tools make web page building easy. Support even comes only with one click. Then there is also a quick find tool that can help in finding a specific topic of help.

  • Dynamic Content

Through elementor, you can add dynamic content from custom fields and plugins such as ACF, Pods, and Toolset. Dynamic content allows you to keep your pages updated consistently and continuously. This ability will keep your website current and fresh.

  • WooCommerce Builder

WooCommerce, an open-source plugin for e-commerce, is mainly used with WordPress. Most of its customer base includes merchants that use WordPress as their main site. Of course, this includes both small and large online merchants.

WooCommerce and WordPress have an almost symbiotic relationship, so it is very simple to integrate WooCommerce into WordPress.

Elementor allows you to enhance your WooCommerce store with its customization options. Some functions even allow you to show your product and prices and integrate said products into the design of your store.

  • Popup Builder

Popups are one of the most disliked forms of advertising. Popups are so disliked that their creator had to apologize for all the problems it caused.

However, when used properly, popups are among your website’s best lead conversion tools. To make use of that lead conversion tool, Elementor provides a popup builder to its Pro users.

Elementor’s popup builder allows you to design your popup using the same tools included in the webpage builder. You can even set the triggers on when and how these popups appear.

Elementor Price

If Elementor’s features have already impressed you, then you will be more impressed with its price. Elementor lets users enjoy at least 80% the plugin’s capabilities for a low price of only $0.99!

That’s right! You can use most of Elementor’s functions & features for free if you put them on your WordPress website.

Elementor offers Pro plans that include some features such as the Popup Builder behind a paywall. The Elementor Pro offers three plans. Each plan has its advantages. These plans are as follows:

Essential Plan Expert Plan Studio Plan Agency Plan
$49 per Year $199 per Year $299 per Year (1st year only)



$999 per Year
1 Pro Website Activation


100+ Basic and Pro Widgets


300+ Basic and Pro Templates


60+ Pro Website Kits


Theme Builder


WooCommerce Store Builder


Landing Page Builder


Premium Support

25 Pro-Website Activations


100+ Basic and Pro Widgets


300+ Basic and Pro Templates


60+ Pro Website Kits


Theme Builder


WooCommerce Store Builder


Landing Page Builder


Premium Support


Elementor Expert Profile

100 Pro Website Activations


More than 100+ basic and pro widgets


More than 300+ Pro and Basic Templates


60+ Pro Website Kits


Theme Builder


WooCommerce Store Builder


Landing Page Builder


VIP Support


Elementor Expert Profile

1000 Pro Website Activations


More than 100+ basic and pro widgets


More than 300+ Pro and Basic Templates


60+ Pro Website Kits


Theme Builder


WooCommerce Store Builder


Landing Page Builder


VIP Support


Elementor Expert Profile


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Elementor Pros and Cons


  • Elementor’s core product does not cost a single dime. There is no need to get the Pro plan to use Elementor’s full potential.
  • Elementor offers many features that will help you create the best WordPress website. These tools are simple and very easy to use.
  • Elementor’s page builders are an upgrade to the WordPress Builder in terms of functionality and accessibility
  • Elementor lets you create pages without needing to know HTML, CSS, and PHP coding.
  • Elementor’s “what you see is what you get” approach makes building websites faster by removing the need to preview your work.
  • The Elementors pages can be redesigned automatically to be responsive. They are compatible with all devices. If you want, you can even fine-tune the design for each device.
  • Speaking of fine-tuning, Elementor provides the ability to modify alignments, margins, and padding values


  • Sometimes custom styling, especially for links, can get a bit buggy.
  • There are times when Elementor’s default typography and color settings remain persistent and cannot be staged
  • It can be difficult to correct misaligned elements due to the different margin values.
  • Elementor could slow down different websites’ loading times.

Elementor Versus Divi

Divi Builder: The Crowning Jewel of Elegant Themes

Elegant themes is one of many WordPress themes available in the shop. It has grown to be one of the most prominent players in the WordPress World.

Among their products is the Divi Theme, which is their flagship product. Divi is crucial to Elegant Theme’s success due to its functionality in its drag-and-drop website builder.

It was only a matter time that Elegant Themes provided the builder as an additional plugin.

They did. The Divi Builder plugin was released. This means that anyone can access the exact same builder that helped Divi Theme become one of the most popular WordPress themes. Divi made sure the plugin was available regardless of which theme you used.

Divi Features

Divi Builder has “gained independence” and is now a standalone plugin. It can be used with any WordPress theme, even if it’s not from Elegant Themes. As such, it also gained multiple features to give people more incentive to use it.

  • Drag and Drop Visual Content Editor

The Divi builder started as a back-end page builder tool from the Divi Theme. It has been made a plugin and is now a front-end visual editor.

With this upgrade, Divi now operates in a “what you see is what you get interface.” Essentially, this removes the downside of back-end builders who do not know how the design will turn up until you switch preview moves.

Divi’s Visual Content Editor continues to be upgraded. This latest version gives you a better view of your visitor’s point-of-view when viewing your content.

This implies that website developers will be able to work faster as it removes the need for switching to previews. This eliminates the frustration associated with incorrect layouts.

Some users might not be familiar with the site’s backend and may feel lost or miss some features. All is not lost, however, as Divi Builder allows you to switch into Wireframe mode.

This wireframe mode effectively hides the content of each module and focuses more on the page’s structure. This gives you a clear view of the layout and which modules are being used.

Effectively, Divi offers a flexible way to work on your website, depending on your comfort and preference.

  • Theme Builder Functionality

Divi Builder 4.0 included Divi’s theme builder feature. This made it a complete on-site editor and not just a page builder.

This effectively gave Divi Builder the ability to customize your entire website. Headers, footers, category pages, product templates, and other parts of the site can now be customized depending on the user’s whims.

Even blog posts could be customized through templates. These templates can be applied automatically to all blog posts, or a select few. You can also use the Display rules feature to automatically format and create templates for posts based on their category.

This functionality allows for dynamic content to be added to existing static content. It can also enhance interaction with WooCommerce content.

Most surprisingly, the Divi Theme Builder feature allows users to make custom 404 error pages and search results pages.

  • Modules of Helpful Content

Divi builder comes with 40 content modules. These modules can be inserted into columns and row layouts, each with its own function.

These modules can be used to replace functionality on WordPress pages that use other plugins. These modules can transform almost all of your website’s functions into Divi or Elegant Themes.

Whether one developer runs this idea of all your plugins and “apps” is good or bad, it has its own benefits. Chief among them is that it reduces load times for your WordPress page.

It also means a cost reduction, especially if you are using commercial plugins.

A few examples of these modules include “call to action” buttons, countdown timers, maps, pricing tables, email opt-in forms, videos and their sliders, social media, and even a search module.

These modules also come in different variations. This adds spice to your website design. You won’t have to risk having the same module appearing from different parts of the internet.

  • Growing Library of Pre-made websites and Page Layouts

Divi would be remiss to not offer ready-made, ready-to-use web pages and layouts. These layouts can be thought of as their own version of templates.

As templates usually go, they are extremely useful for non-web designers or web designers whose design sense leaves to be desired. This high-quality pre-made can be used to start their design process, or if they’re satisfied, it can be used as is.

They have between 200 and 400 options. However, this is in terms of website layouts. That means each layout contains more than one page.

These can also target specific types of websites, such as websites for agencies, freelancers, eCommerce stores, and construction companies. These layouts can be customized, however.

If you are looking for a layout that is law-aware, you may find some photos that don’t fit or it doesn’t work. Get your tools out and start editing until you get the website that you desire.

  • Divi Builder A/B Testing tool

Divi builder offers the unique ability to conduct A/B testing of your page layout. A/B testing allows you to compare two design iterations on your page layout and see which one is more effective than the other.

Although freedom of design is always a positive, too much freedom can be dangerous, especially if it is not properly managed. This is where A/B Testing can be useful. Comparing different layouts of a webpage can help you determine if the design decision should be made.

At the end of the day, a properly A/B tested website will lead it to be optimized for its purpose.

  • Divi Role Editor

Different people may manage different websites. While this makes for efficient job division, it also multiplies the risk of accidentally changing the website’s main setting. As the saying goes, “Too many cooks may spoil the broth.”

Luckily, Divi has a Role Editor that you can use to limit other people’s access to the backend of your webpage. Through this role editor, you can still let your co-authors do their thing, such as writing for your blogs, while preventing them from doing unnecessary stuff.

Divi’s role as editor is also granular. It is not a “black and white” or a “yes and no” choice. You can assign roles to define what parts of the plugin they are allowed to access and use.

This is especially important for web designers with clients that could break custom designs. Role editor reduces the chance of custom design breaking.

  • Full-Width Content

Images can make your web pages stand out. Images can enhance the design of your website. Sometimes, you just want to place an image and plaster its full resolution to a part of your site.

Divi offers a feature that lets you do exactly that. Divi lets you add a full width to your builder and a module to accompany it. You can then add any content that breaks the post container.

What’s more is that this full-width is not only limited to images. You can include videos, texts, headers, menus, and more.

Divi Price

Since Divi Builder was originally part of the Divi Theme, and you cannot get this plugin separately. You will have to pay yearly for access to Elegant themes. One plan is a yearly access, and the other is a lifetime access.

Yearly Access Lifetime Access
$89/Year $249 1 Time
  • Access to Divi, Additional, Bloom & Monarch
  • Hundreds of Website Packs
  • Product Updates
  • Premium Support
  • Unlimited Website Usage
  • No Risk Guarantee
  • Access To Divi, Extra, Bloom, & Monarch
  • There are hundreds of website packs
  • Lifetime Updates
  • Lifetime Premium Support
  • Unlimited Website Use
  • Risk-Free Guarantee

Divi Pros and Con


  • Divi’s interface is intuitive and clean.
  • Divi is a great value for money. They even offer a lifetime deal.
  • Divi can be used on an unlimited number of websites and without limitations
  • Divi is very beginner friendly, with the drag and drop page builder which is very easy to use
  • Divi provides veteran web designers who have the appropriate coding skills a chance to do amazing stuff.
  • Divi is available with an additional WordPress theme
  • Divi provides more than a hundred stunning templates to choose from. Astra Templates For Elementor


  • Longer pages are more difficult to work with.
  • Divi’s online editing options are better
  • Divi is not perfect. This is most common when creating more complicated layouts.


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Elementor Versus WPBakery

WP Bakery: Formerly known as Visual Composer, the Builder

What we now know as WPBakery was once called Visual Composer. It gets even more confusing, because there is another WordPress plugin called Visual Composer. Let’s move on to WPBakery now that we have that out of the way.

This plugin, like all other page builders allows you to create unique pages. In this case, the building blocks are called “Content Elements.” Though they have different names, they still serve the same function as widgets and modules.

WPBakery has around 40 content elements that can be used to design your page layout. Samples of these include text blocks, social media buttons, video players, and other blocks that are standard fare for page builders. Astra Templates For Elementor

WPBakery also uses a drag-and-drop page builder to style your pages. Using this builder, you can style your website’s backend and front end. You have the option to design both front and back ends, or choose to style them separately, depending on what you prefer.

WPBakery Features

Unlike most of their WordPress Page Builders, WPBakery does not offer much. They offer the following:

  • Interface is simple and lightweight
  • Frontend and Backend Editor
  • Multilingual ready
  • Templates that can be saved for later use
  • Responsive websites that work on mobile and PC
  • Very own set of “content elements”
  • Object-oriented Code
  • Huge addon support

WPBakery is more difficult to use than you might think. It’s not that user-friendly, even if you have a tech background. It’s built on a shortcode architecture, which can prove to be a huge liability.

It has some help text, but they are not well executed. Astra Templates For Elementor

It’s also just plain unreliable. It has erratic previews and is riddled with bugs. It is a nightmare to use, especially when you are working on a website.

WPBakery price

WPBakery has 2 pricing plans available if you still wish to use its services. These are:

Regular Extended
$56 $299
  • Use on one site
  • Get free updates
  • Premium support
  • Access to the Template Library
  • For use in a single SaaS Application
  • Free UPdates
  • Premium Support
  • Integration of themes

WPBakery Pros and Cons


  • WPBakery lets you save your templates to be used later
  • It can be used with almost all themes
  • It features a multilingual interface
  • You will find many content blocks that can be used to build your website.
  • You can integrate it with various add-ons that will enhance its functionality Astra Templates For Elementor
  • It has a user role access control


  • The page builder is not easy to use and requires a learning curve. This is true even for experienced website designers.
  • It may not be compatible with all plugins, and can sometimes cause conflicts with them.
  • Deactivating this builder leaves shortcodes on pages that use this plugin.
  • This plugin may slow down download speeds and impact your age speed.

Elementor Versus Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder: The Efficient Beaver-Themed Builder

One of the more famous names in the WordPress page builder space is Beaver Builder. Beaver Builder is a popular choice because of its drag-and-drop page builders and simple-to-use interface.

Beaver Builders has a lot of great products and services for its customers.

It is a page builder that allows you to create custom pages and posts using a drag-and drop user interface. It eliminates the need to code your website. Beaver Builder doesn’t require users to know HTML in order to create a functional website.

Despite having a theme of its own, Beaver Builder (the plugin) is compatible with any WordPress theme. As such, you can keep using your current WordPress theme and carry on developing and designing your site. Astra Templates For Elementor

However, Beaver’s strongest point is its ease of use and efficiency. Beaver Builder boasts that it makes working with existing website content and creating websites from scratch much faster and more efficient.

Beaver Builder Features

BeaverBuilder is a feature-rich page builder that can be considered as among the best of the best. As such, instead of listing every bit of them, let’s check their highlights. After all, when it comes to Beaver Builder, efficiency is the name of the game.

Beaver Builder’s essential features include:

  • You can drag and drop the main page builder. This builder allows you to place content elements, such as text and images, wherever you want.
  • Beaver Builder offers full front-end editing. This allows you to view your work while you are working on it. This is akin to the “what you see is what you get” approach of other page builders.
  • Beaver Builder also removes the need for coding when building your websites. Beaver Builder doesn’t require HTML or CSS. Astra Templates For Elementor
  • Beaver Builder is compatible with most themes in WordPress. Thus, you can combine Beaver Builder with any theme, and it would be like nothing significant happened.
  • Beaver Builder can also be used to work on any type of post, pages, and custom types of posts.
  • A Beaver Builder plan comes with more than 50 ready-made page templates for users. This includes templates for pages that have a specific purpose. Beaver Builder can create landing pages, welcome pages, and comment sections.
  • For working with your pages, Beaver Builder provides 30 content elements and modules. These will be your key to building your pages, and each will have its function to play. These modules include headings, buttons and galleries.
  • Beaver Builder ensures that all your resulting websites will be compatible with any screen. Your website will therefore be responsive.
  • Beaver Builder can also be used with WooCommerce. Beaver Builder allows you to create WooCommerce content using the content elements. Astra Templates For Elementor
  • Beaver Builder is not cheap. In fact, it gives you the ability to import and export features. This allows you to reuse or share your designs with the wider community.

Beaver Builder Price

Agency Pro Standard
$399 $199 $99
  • Unlimited Sites
  • Page Builder Plugin
  • World-Class Support for 1 Year
  • Premium Modules & Templates
  • Beaver Builder Theme
  • Multisite Network Settings
  • White Labeling
  • Unlimited Sites
  • Page Builder Plugin
  • One Year of World-Class Support
  • Premium Modules and Templates
  • Beaver Builder Theme
  • Multisite Capability
  • Unlimited Sites
  • Page Builder Plugin
  • One year of world-class support
  • Premium Modules and Templates

Beaver Builder Pros & Cons


  • Beaver Builder empowers users to be creative in building their webpages
  • There is no learning curve when using Beaver Builder
  • Beaver Builder offers full drag-and drop builder support.
  • Beaver Builder is flexible and lenient. You can even use default WordPress widgets inside Beaver Builder’s Content blocks Astra Templates For Elementor
  • Beaver Builder offers many page templates that can be used as a starting point for pages.


  • Beaver Builder has a very high price point. The cheapest plan costs $99. The cheapest plan is $99.
  • Beaver Builder’s capability is limited to whatever theme you have. If there are things that the theme cannot do, then Beaver Builder will not be able to achieve them.
  • Beaver Builder does not allow users to add custom CSS code to their content modules. As such, there is a bit of a limit to its customization.


> > BUY NOW < <

Elementor Versus Webflow

Webflow: A Page Builder Beyond WordPress

Despite WordPress having the lion’s share of Internet blogs, not everyone likes using it. As such, there are alternatives for people who are uncomfortable using WordPress. Webflow is one of these alternatives.

Webflow’s primary focus is on design. Its main target is to let web designers build websites as easily as possible. Webflows allow web designers to create responsive websites using browser-based visual editing software. Webflow allows you to write the code as you work on your website. Astra Templates For Elementor

When compared to WordPress, Webflow claims to have more advantages over it. Among these are an appeal for more creative freedom, a more secure website, and easier user usage.

Webflow Features

Webflow is a page builder that does everything. Webflow’s features allow it to focus on becoming a service that caters first to designers.

  • Over a thousand templates are available on Webflow, with 45 of them being free. Like most websites, Webflow allows you to use these templates to help you build websites from scratch.

These templates can also be accessed via Webflow. They can be categorized and grouped according to which type of website they are intended for (portfolios, blogs, SaaS), etc. Aside from that, you can search them through popular tags, languages, etc.

  • Although Webflow is not as user-friendly for first-time users, it provides a great onboarding tutorial that allows users to familiarize themselves and explore the Webflow Environment. It might take getting used to, but Webflow provides a great user experience once you learn it. Astra Templates For Elementor
  • Webflow has an intuitive interface. The main builder of Webflow is broken into three sections to make it easier for you to access. The more you get used to Webflows workflow, the better and faster you can produce web pages
  • Webflow offers great Search Engine Optimization capabilities. It is even easier since you do not need to add another plugin to ensure you are SEO-optimized. Webflow also guides non-SEO professionals to improve their website’s SEO ranking in order to increase traffic and convert more customers.
  • Webflow has impressive eCommerce features that can be used to build a functional and attractive online store. Just building the page alone is easy, as there are eCommerce templates to help you get started. These templates are both free and paid.

Webflow even provides instructions for building up said site, from setting up until launching.

  • Webflow provides a Content Management System that allows users to group the content they present to their audience. This CMS organizes resources, particularly when creating blog posts. Astra Templates For Elementor

Webflow makes blogging easier and more efficient by organizing it in a more structured way.

  • With Webflow, you are sure that all your data is safe and secured. Webflow has integrated hosting plans with Amazon Web Services, one of the most secure web hosting services. They even provide you with a free one-year SSl certificate for encrypting sensitive data.

Aside from that, Webflow is also SOC-2 compliant, which means that the builder can meet high standards of security, confidentiality, and privacy.

Webflow also automatically updates and saves backups of your files. Webflow automatically updates your files and stores backups of them so that you are confident, if something goes wrong, you’ll be able to quickly get your files back.

Webflow Price

You can avail webflow with their no-cost plan. This allows you to use webflow on two projects with full designing and can publish said projects on their website of Their free plan is available for free for life.

Webflow has a variety of plans that can be used to reduce the price. There are two types of paid plans.

There is the Site Plan, and then there are the account plans. Astra Templates For Elementor

The Site plan includes everything you need to create a basic website. These plans are available in two types from Webflow. There is a basic plan with four selections. This starts for as low as $12 per month. You will have to contact Webflow Customer service to get the exact amount for each plan.

Basic CMS Business Enterprise
Best for simple sites which do not need CMS Blogs and other content-driven websites are best Best for Higher traffic marketing sites Best for companies and comes with exclusive features
  • Custom Domains
  • 100 pages
  • Monthly visits of 25,000
  • No collection items
  • 500 form submissions
  • With 50GB CDN Bandwidth
  • Custom domains
  • 100 pages
  • 100,000 visits per month
  • 2000 collection items
  • 1,000 form submissions
  • With 200GB CDN
  • API Limitations
  • 3 Content Editors
  • Site search
  • Custom domains
  • 100 pages
  • 1 million monthly visits
  • 10,000 collection items
  • Unlimited number of submissions
  • Form file uploads
  • 400GB bandwidth CDN
  • Limited API
  • 10 content editors
  • Site Search
  • Custom domains
  • 100 pages
  • Monthly visits customized
  • 10,0000 Collection Items
  • Unlimited form submission
  • Upload form file
  • 400GB+ global CDN bandwidth
  • Unlimited API
  • Custom Content Editors
  • Site Search

There are three types Ecommerce plans

Standard (29 USD) Plus ($74 USD) Advanced ($2112( u
For new business that are just starting out For higher volume of business that needs important additional For businesses aiming to breach and grow
  • 500 items
  • Checkout custom
  • Custom shopping cart
  • Custom product fields
  • Email customization
  • Integrated CMS for blogs
  • 2% Transaction Fee
  • Stripe Powered Payments
  • Automatic tax calculation
  • 1000 Items
  • Checkout custom
  • Custom shopping cart
  • Product fields that can be customized
  • Email Customization
  • Blogs with integrated CMS
  • Unbranded Emails
  • No transaction fees
  • Stripe powered payments
  • Automatic tax calculation
  • 3000 Items
  • Custom checkout
  • Custom shopping cart
  • Product fields that can be customized
  • Email customization
  • Blogs with integrated CMS
  • Unbranded Emails
  • There are no transaction fees
  • Stripe powered payments
  • Automated tax calculation

The Account plans are geared towards more advanced website building with added features. These are categorized into 2 types of plans: the Individual plans and the team plans.

The individual plans have 3 types of payment methods. The first includes the free plan mentioned above, and the second two are paid plans. Astra Templates For Elementor

Starter Plan (Forever Free) Lite ($16) Pro ($35)
This package includes everything you need in order to get started with Webflow. Export your code to unlock additional pages for unhosted project Ideal for designers, freelancers and anyone who needs more projects and premium features
  • 2 Projects
  • Client Billings
  • Staging
  • 10 projects
  • Client billing
  • Enhanced Staging
  • Code Export
  • Unlimited Project Transfers
  • Unlimitless projects
  • Client billing
  • Enhanced staging
  • Code Export
  • Unlimitless Project Transfers
  • White labeling
  • Site password protection

When it comes to the Team plan, it has 2 types of plan available. They offer the same features but one has more customization options. These are the details:

Team ($35 per person) Enterprise (situational)
Work on projects with a team through a collaborative, shared dashboard Contact customer support to inquire about the plan packages
  • All features of the Pro Plan
  • Unlimited projects
  • Client Billing
  • Enhanced Staging
  • Code Export
  • White Labelling
  • Site password protection
  • Team Dashboard
  • All features included in team plan
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Client billing
  • Enhanced staging
  • Code export
  • White labeling
  • Site password protection
  • Team Dashboard
  • Webflow Pros and Cons


  • It includes everything you need to build a website. This includes simple blogs and eCommerce websites.
  • It boasts a strong visual design tool that rivals everything you can do using code
  • Flexible pricing plans that are customer-friendly. Astra Templates For Elementor


  • There is limited code customization
  • There are many plans available and it can be confusing. If you don’t pay attention, you might end up choosing the wrong plan.
  • There is a huge bit of a learning curve due to it being a new and different environment from WordPress as well as new and powerful features
  • Some plans include traffic limits.

Elementor Versus Thrive Architects

Thrive Architect: A WordPress Page Architect

Thrive Architect plugin for WordPress is bundled with Thrive Themes. This is their new flagship page builder, replacing the “Thrive Content Creator”. Astra Templates For Elementor

As with the usual “modern” website builders, Thrive architect is also doing the drag-and-drop gimmick. As such, it is geared toward beginners and helps veterans speed through making websites.

Thrive also offers an impressive library of templates for users to help them get started or get inspiration for what they’re going to do.

Surprisingly, Thrive Architects focus on building websites that are geared toward conversions. The majority of the templates that were mentioned previously are designed to generate leads and convert you to your WordPress Page.

Thrive Architect Features

Thrive Architect, like most modern WordPress page builders has many features. However, for this overview, we will focus mainly on the main ones.

  • As a plugin, Thrive Architect works with most WordPress themes. Despite Thrive Architect having its own WordPress Theme, Thrive Suite, this is not the case. Therefore, you can use Thrive Architect in combination with the thousands of themes available in WordPress.
  • Thrive Architect has a large library of plugins. All of the templates are maintained by the Thrive architect team at a higher standard. These editable templates can help speed up the design process when making web pages. Astra Templates For Elementor

Thrive Architect and Thrive Themes focus on lead conversion and sales. These templates are almost all focused on sales. So expect a lot of sales-focused landing pages and webpage designs.

  • Thrive Architect also has its own intuitive drag-and-drop page editor. This interface gives you a real-time, accurate view of the page’s design.

Builders can save time by using the WYSIWYG method. They no longer need to preview your website. Your workflow gets faster as you don’t have to save multiple times and ensure you are doing right or wrong.

WYSIWYG will always show you where your bearings are.

  • We have spoken about Thrive’s obsession with conversions so it is not surprising that they have a lot conversion- and sales-focused elements.

Thrive cannot boast of being conversion-focused if they don’t provide the right and appropriate tools.

  • Thrive can also integrate with a lot of third-party services. Mailchimp, Facebook and Zapier are all examples.
  • Thrive offers tutorials and educational content for beginners to help them learn about content-making that is focused on selling.
  • Thrive Architect’s lightbox feature allows you to create pop-up overlays. Astra Templates For Elementor
  • Thrive Architect allows you to create an auto-scrolling website. Although this feature is somewhat limited in its use, it can be used to create a unique website.
  • Thrive Architect also supports coders by adding custom HTML and CSS to your pages.

Thrive Architect Price

Thrive Architect was once available as an individual. However, Thrive Themes recently changed this. To use Thrive Architect, you will need to buy their Thrive Suite bundle.

Thrive has 2 payment plans available: Quarterly and Yearly:

Thrive Suite Quarterly Thrive Suite Yearly
$99 per Quarter $299 per Year
  • All Thrive theme plugins
  • Thrive theme builder, shapeshift, Ommi, and Kwik
  • Unlimited Support
  • Unlimited updates
  • Access to Thrive University
  • You can install on up to five websites
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • All Thrive Theme plugins
  • Thrive Theme Builder, Shapeshift, Ommi, and Kwik
  • Unlimitted Support
  • Unlimited Updates
  • Access to Thrive University
  • Up to 5 websites can be installed
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Lowest possible price

Pros and cons of Thrive Architect


  • It features an intuitive design that makes it easy to use. It even lets you visualize your designs in real-time
  • Helps you create content that is unique on the Internet
  • It comes with high-quality templates for landing pages as well as webpages. Because they are organized in sets, it is easy to find the perfect template.
  • It is mainly focused on conversion and sales; as such, this is the perfect website builder for marketers and online businesses.
  • Most websites are mobile responsive, so you can be sure that your website is smartphone compatible
  • It is a lightweight plugin that will not noticeably slow down the pages’ loading times.
  • It has good and attractive pricing
  • It can be integrated with a large amount of email service providers.
  • Can work with Gutenberg (WordPress’ latest page builder) by adding Gutenberg blocks. Astra Templates For Elementor


  • Not available individually, You have to buy the whole Thrive Suite to use it. This means double the cost if you already have an existing and preferred WordPress Theme.
  • Aside from that, You need to download Thrive Product Manager before you can even begin to plant a single element on the builder.
  • Thrive does not offer a lifetime payment option.


> > BUY NOW < <

Special Mentions


Brizzy is another WordPress builder that lets you generate web pages of amazing design. It is also another drag-and-drop builder that requires zero coding knowledge. As such, you can compare it with the big three of Elementor, Beaver Builder, and Divi.

As with most builders, Brizzy does well as a simple builder. However, there are some areas where it could be more effective.

For one, Brizzy does not have a developer APi. As such, you cannot have third-party extensions with Brizzy. Brizzy’s potential is severely limited by this. This limits Brizzy’s flexibility, and as such, this is why it cannot reach the heights of Elementor, Beaver Build, and Divi 

Brizzy is also lacking in the documentation department. While this is not a huge deal breaker, it does make it inferior to the other builders, which have complete and robust documentation.

Furthermore, the documentation that exists for Brizy also is not as comprehensive. So in most cases, people asking or needing help might find themselves scratching their heads.

Brizzy pricing is as follows:

Personal Freelancer Agency
$49 per year $99 per year $199 per annum
  • 1 Pro website
  • PRO designs and features
  • 1-year Update and Support
  • Theme Builder
  • WooCommerce Builder

Perfect for Personal Work

  • 100 Pro websites
  • PRO Designs and Features
  • 1-year updates and support
  • Theme Builder
  • WooCommerce Builder
  • Membership Function

Ideal for working with clients

  • 500 PRO-Websites
  • Pro Designs and Features
  • 1-year update and VIP support
  • Theme Builder
  • WooCommerce Builder
  • Membership Function
  • White Label


Perfect for White-label solutions

Oxygen Builder

The Oxygen builder has a similarity to Webflow in nature. It might be like WordPress, but it is not wordpress. Oxygen is also very complex, and as such, it is not recommended for non-techies.

Website builders tend to be more appealing to a wider audience. This includes people who have no idea how coding works or just how the works in general. This is the exception to the rule, Oxygen.

Despite this, Oxygen allows both designers and experienced users to create amazing websites.

People who are interested in website development should not use Oxygen. It features a huge learning curve. This is, of course, perfect for a challenge.

Furthermore, web developers and designers who want to be able to fine-tune even the most minute of details, Oxygen is also for them. Oxygen provides the tools necessary to have full control of a website’s elements, as well as its bits and pieces.

As for beginners and those looking for an easier user experience, it’s best to stay away from this one. Astra Templates For Elementor

As for the Price, Oxygen is not free. It doesn’t even have a demo. What it has is a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you are not up to Oxygene’s challenge, you can always return it.

Basic Plan ($99 One time payment) WooCommerce Plan ($149 one time payment) Agency Plan ($169 one time payment)
Most flexible and powerful visual builder for WordPress Visually build websites as well as WooCommerce stores The ultimate for building websites for clients while using Oxygen
  • Oxygen Lifetime Unlimited License
  • Oxygen Lifetime Unlimited License
  • WooCommerce Integration
  • Oxygen Lifetime Unlimited License
  • WooCommerce Integration
  • Includes Gutenberg Block Builder

Gutenberg Builder

While this is WordPress main builder, majority of online consensus is united: Astra Templates For Elementor

Plainly NO.

It’s very annoying.

It is difficult to write in because you have to break up each paragraph into its own blocks. It has a mind of its own.

Finally, even with all the efforts made to improve its performance it still falls behind, especially when it comes to creating large posts.

There is a reason why WordPress page builder plugins were created. And that is to avoid using the default one.

Verdict Astra Templates For Elementor

Your choice of WordPress page builder is entirely up to you. They might be experts in one area.

It is a great idea to pick a WordPress theme that suits you first and then go with the page builder that comes with it. This is a great way to cut costs and save money while maintaining quality work.

That said, you should keep in mind Elementor, which offers the best features while maintaining its free status.

If there’s one thing you can take away from this review, it’s this:

Avoid Gutenberg, WordPress’ default developer, and save yourself the hassle.


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